Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Smokey the Bear New Spokesperson For Abstinence Sex Education

Ok, I admit that I can be somewhat out of touch when it comes to keeping up with the news, but this article just hit me with a big question mark. Today the article Focus on the Family Reveals How Colorado Wildfires Are Providing a Valuable Lesson About Sex Ed just struck me as startling on the verge of hilarious. According to the article it appears that the tragedy of the wildfires out west are conducive to the consequences of sex education in that "teaching students about safe sex is no different than handing them matches and sending them out into the woods." Ok and what does the right think about barbecuing in the backyard? Hmmm, barbecuing will never be the same again. It also makes me wonder about what role Smokey the Bear now plays in this whole new world? I can see the headlines now "Smokey the Bear Now Spokesman for Abstinence Education." Only you can prevent forest fires. Once again, the right has attempted to make an alliteration that will not stick. If anything, one should argue that providing sex education would be a way to "prevent" forest fires whereas if one does not have any sex education that is really giving people matches and no guidance.

Now what about Smokey the Bear's new role? I have always been in favor of assigning new roles to government employees. Smokey has had it pretty light lately especially since the national park system has had to deal with decreased budgets lately his travel and pr expenses have been cut considerably. So I think this new role for Smokey as a spokesman for abstinence education could be a good idea. Its just what we need. Think of it in the wild male bears are loaners having several sexual partners. They then leave the females to bring up the children and go off hunting. How traditional. And, if a bear cub disturbs a male in his hunting ground he eats the cub, that will teach him. But, Smokey is different, one cries. He was saved from a forest fire and brought up by a forest ranger, another male who lives a life in isolation. We could say that Smokey suffers from being a bear living in a human world, but we will have no excuses. He lives his life as an abstinent bear in a human world. Once again, the absurd has hit the right. How can we compare sex education to wildfires. The answer is more education so that a wild fire does not occur. Something that abstinence education fails at miserably. Providing education to students is not like giving them the matches, they already have the matches and more than likely already use them. Sex education teaches students to have water nearby when they safely start a fire. One can read their own euphemisms into this.

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